Raise taxes on the rich? “Class warfare” the Republicans rail. Any discussion of inequality, says Mitt Romney, should be held privately “in quiet rooms.”
Raise taxes on the rich? “Class warfare” the Republicans rail. Any discussion of inequality, says Mitt Romney, should be held privately “in quiet rooms.”
In the Second Call for State of the Black World Conference III, we issued a challenge to make the event a “Great Gathering of Black People,” a seminal assembly to assess the state of the race and chart directions for the future. Though State of the Black World Conferences are open to any person of African descent, the vision/mission of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), as the convening organization, is progressive, African-centered and action-oriented in nature.
Regardless of persistent post-racial rumors, urban legends and lingering plantation hopes about the declining significance of race and the deserved death of racism, the recent construction of celebratory social relevance around the latest “discoveries” of Whites in Black beds, bodies, bloodlines and history offers abundant evidence to the contrary.
The top stories in the nation’s press for August 13, 2012.
Thirty-two years later and a friend’s death by gun violence still hurts.
Each August brings with it a commemoration of the 1965 Watts Revolt and thus rightful reflection on how it fits within our history as a people, how it spoke and speaks to vital issues of life and struggle, especially to the right and responsibility of resistance.
Thrill to the vibrant gymnastics grace of Gabby Douglas, the fierce tennis power of Serena Williams, the skill of Kayla Harrison in winning the first gold for an American woman in judo.
Gabby: All Around Gold at fourteen she left known love for another love of flying, pole-walking and dancing on white floors. not just a leap from virginia beach to des…
‘We’re talking about weapons that are made for war,” said Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee. “An AK-47 is a Russian-made weapon that is made for war. An AR-15, which is an answer to the AK-47 . . . these high-capacity [guns] . . . you can shoot 50 to 60 rounds within a minute.
The month of August opens for us a special space and time to pay rightful homage to the life and legacy of one of the great pan-African leaders of the 20th century, and the father of modern Black nationalism as an emancipatory political and cultural project, the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey (August 17, 1887).
Kawaida philosophy was forged in the fire and water of the ideological and practical struggles waged in the Sixties and thus, it became a philosophy born of struggle, kneaded and nurtured in deep reflection and tested and tempered in the practice of liberation as both a psychological and political project.