Democrats must confront their racial inertia to truly change the nation.
If his intent was to wreck the country, W can claim mission accomplished.
IBW/Black Family Summit National Black Leadership Dialogue In conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM AT THE HOUSE OF PRAYER…
The Shirley Chisholm Presidential Accountability Commission The Institute of the Black World 21st Century SUMMARY: Report Card on President Obama: Year Two – Policy and Legislative Impacts on the Black…

In the middle of this year´s Black History Month I was momentarily overcome by a weird feeling. There was a kind of ho hum, mundane, routine, business as usual atmosphere…
Statement of Dr. Ron Daniels, Founder of the Haiti Support Project On the Occasion of the Welcoming Reception of the Diaspora Reconnection Forum July 12, 2006, Port Au Prince, Haiti …
The Haiti Support Project Pilgrimage and Assessment Delegation October 7-11, 2010 Statement by Dr. Ron Daniels, President, Institute of the Black World 21st Century, Founder, Haiti Support Project October 7-11,…