“What Ferguson reconfirms is that until corrupted institutions are reformed, individual acts of injustice and hate will occur on a daily basis. “

COLUMBUS, Ohio — MY son wants an answer. He is 10 years old, and he wants me to tell him that he doesn’t need to worry. He is a black boy, rather sheltered, and knows little of the world beyond our safe, quiet neighborhood. His eyes are wide and holding my gaze, silently begging me to say: No, sweetheart, you have no need to worry. Most officers are nothing like Officer Wilson. They would not shoot you — or anyone — while you’re unarmed, running away or even toward them.
I suppose there is no longer much point in debating the facts surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown.

President Obama’s Executive Order making it possible for approximately five million undocumented immigrants to experience family stability is a timely and humane initiative at Thanksgiving.

The histories and holidays of the oppressed, colonized and enslaved are, of necessity, different from the history and holidays of the oppressor, the colonizer and the enslaver.
The National Collaborative for Health Equity joins many other racial justice organizations around the nation in decrying the failure of the Grand Jury

Nearly every night in Ferguson, a group of protesters gathers in front of the police department demanding justice for Michael Brown.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, China was considered the sick man of Asia. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has emerged as a global power on the world stage.
In a recent encounter between Fox’s Bill O’Reilly and Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, the two men discussed “white privilege.”
With all the pos-telection buzz about historic firsts and trailblazing black Republicans crashing Congress, you’d think this was the first time conservatives of color would be stepping foot on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Now that the political pundits, analysts and campaign consultants have had their say, I thought it was time to offer a perspective on the debacle suffered by the Democrats during the recent mid-term elections. Let’s get right to it. In the face of a calculated and relentless assault by Republicans on Barack Obama, a President with a dismal approval rating, Democratic candidates panicked and frantically ran away from the President and his/their “record” over the past six years.