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The Congressional Black Caucus Is at War With Itself

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Gwen Moore does not seem like anybody’s idea of a corporate stooge. The Milwaukee Democrat, a single mom who once survived on welfare, has sponsored efforts to boost public housing, reproductive freedom, food-stamp benefits, Social Security payments, environmental protection, veterans’ benefits, and the minimum wage. And that’s just in the past year.

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The Dangerous New Scientific Racism

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Before getting into quite why Nicholas Wade’s A Troublesome Inheritance—a book which argues, among other things, that Jews possess a genetic “adaptation to capitalism”—is racist, it may be worth thinking back to the summer of 2012. Viewers of the BBC’s coverage of the Olympics on August 10 would have been surprised, between heats in the 200 metres, by a short video explaining how the slave trade made black people into better athletes:

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Why the Left Should Look to Jackson, Mississippi

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A new political and economic model is emerging, and it is not appearing where we might suspect it would. In the heart of the South, in a city named after one of the most racist presidents in United States history, in a landscape that resembles parts of Detroit and other decaying industrial centers, an impressive intergenerational collection of community organizers and activists have launched a bold program to empower a black working-class community that 21st -century capitalism has left behind.

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The ‘Case for Reparations’ is solid, and it’s long past time to make them

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Even before its online debut on Thursday, social media was ablaze for days in anticipation of this month’s Atlantic cover story arguing in favor of reparative payments to African-Americans for state-sanctioned slavery and segregation. To add to the hype, the magazine publicized “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates with a rare trailer promoting the story (which hits newsstands on 27 May).

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