Dignitaries and presidents, media stars, and celebrities from around the world converged on South Africa to pay their respects to Nelson Mandela, the warrior for racial justice.
Nelson Mandela emerged from 27 years in apartheid jails in 1990 pledging to seize South Africa’s mines and banks. Four years later, his government slashed spending and courted foreign investors, paving the way for the longest period of growth in the country’s history.

By David Smith
In a peculiarly rambling, rain-soaked event that got bogged down in domestic politics, it felt like Nelson Mandela’s soul was absent

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Nelson Mandela transcends death at 95. Between blessing and benediction there is heart -broken sorrow. But this is joyful sadness. There is irony too.

by Pippa Green On a chilly day in 1998, I received an urgent message from Nelson Mandela’s press aide. The President had been stung.

President Obama addressed the memorial for former South African president Nelson Mandela; these are his remarks as prepared for delivery.

He was loved and admired all over the world for helping to end apartheid and heal the scars of a divided nation.
But in his fight for total freedom, the liberation leader also devoted himself to another cause — the empowerment of women.
By Diana Cariboni
IPS – Perhaps it’s a false contradiction. But today there are many who stress the pacifist message with which South Africa’s Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) emerged from prison in 1990…

Nelson Mandela was the last of a great generation of freedom fighters who guided South Africa’s liberation struggle from the early days of theAfrican National Congress Youth League in the 1940s.

John Nichols
December 06, 2013
Beloved former South African president Nelson Mandela left a legacy of union support and solidarity with organized labor.
by Danny Schechter
What’s the difference between a liberation movement and a band of terrorists? The simple answer . . . is point of view. Consider the African National Congress (ANC).