Gabby: All Around Gold at fourteen she left known love for another love of flying, pole-walking and dancing on white floors. not just a leap from virginia beach to des…
‘We’re talking about weapons that are made for war,” said Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee. “An AK-47 is a Russian-made weapon that is made for war. An AR-15, which is an answer to the AK-47 . . . these high-capacity [guns] . . . you can shoot 50 to 60 rounds within a minute.
The month of August opens for us a special space and time to pay rightful homage to the life and legacy of one of the great pan-African leaders of the 20th century, and the father of modern Black nationalism as an emancipatory political and cultural project, the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey (August 17, 1887).
Kawaida philosophy was forged in the fire and water of the ideological and practical struggles waged in the Sixties and thus, it became a philosophy born of struggle, kneaded and nurtured in deep reflection and tested and tempered in the practice of liberation as both a psychological and political project.
The national support for the victims of last week’s Aurora shootings is great. However, if we believe in the equivalency of life, what about the lives of young men in Chicago, where there have been more deaths than in Afghanistan so far this year. While the hospitals in Aurora say they will cover hospital bills […]
George Zimmerman, the Florida man who killed Trayvon Martin, told Fox News personality Sean Hannity that the events that occurred on February 26, 2012 were “God’s will”. What a cynical manipulation of our Creator, to suggest that the massacre of an African American teenager by a crazed vigilante is the will of God. Actually, if […]
Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill) has been away from Congress on medical leave for so long that his colleagues have been clamoring to know what’s wrong, and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported that the Congressman was receiving treatment for addiction. The truth, according the Rep. Jackson’s staff, is that the Congressman is being treated in a […]
The unemployment rate has hovered above 8 percent for several months, most recently holding ground at 8.2 percent, the same as last month. Meanwhile the African American unemployment rate went up, technically to 14.4 percent, and we all know that means the real rate is even higher, in excess of 25 percent. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt […]
CONGRESS BOTH GIVES AND TAKES AWAY OPPORTUNITIES TO COLLEGE STUDENTS Cheers to the Congress for holding interest rates on college loans down. Instead of doubling to 6.4 percent, the interest rate on federal college student loans will remain at the 3.2 percent level. However, this proviso is only in effect for one year. This time […]
By Ajamu Baraka — As an African American, I have been confused, frustrated, enraged and mystified by what is now referred to as the “Obama phenomenon” among African Americans. And…
We are shocked and saddened by the massacre in Aurora, Colo. But Aurora is part of a pattern, not an isolated incident. Two days earlier, 17 were hurt outside a bar in Tuscaloosa, Ala., when a gunman opened fire.