In the midst of the thick fog and fantasy of this imaginary post-racial era, it might seem racially outrageous and socially scandalous…

Mrs. Dot Turner has worked at what is now Sensata Technologies in Downstate Freeport for 43 years. The company does sophisticated work creating sensors for automobiles. It enjoyed record profits last year. But not enough for its owner — Bain Capital — which is moving the jobs and the machinery to China.

Inevitably, the Democratic Party fest in Charlotte, N.C., will be compared to last week’s Republican gathering in Tampa, Fla. The speech…

The Republican convention in Tampa, Fla., touches on a date that has marked the depths and the heights of the African-American experience …

The conception and development of our philosophy, Kawaida, the work and struggle of our organization Us, and the people focus, cultural groundedness and social consciousness of the leadership we seek to cultivate, teach and exemplify, all began with what our ancestors called in the Husia a “courageous questioning”.

In this 2012 election, most of the focus is on the top of the ticket. Can President Obama maintain, or increase his lead over Republican nominee Mitt Romney?

After a face-to-face appeal by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson today, the President of Gambia agreed to release two American citizens who were serving long prison sentences in the West Africa nation…

Raise taxes on the rich? “Class warfare” the Republicans rail. Any discussion of inequality, says Mitt Romney, should be held priv…
Romney tramples his own professed faith by abandoning the “least of these�