Americans are sick of politics. Only 13 percent approve of the job Congress is doing, a near record low. The President’s approval ratings are also in the basement.
Americans are sick of politics. Only 13 percent approve of the job Congress is doing, a near record low. The President’s approval ratings are also in the basement.
The scene in Ferguson, Mo., is certainly an unusual one, especially given how rare it is to see such unrest on American streets.
The tear-gas, rubber bullets and smoke bombs fired in Ferguson, Missouri have fed outrage over police militarization in the U.S.
A lot has been said about the recent events in Ferguson. It’s all-too-clear we’re dealing with a significant event in America’s history, and perhaps a trigger that could kick-start a new anti-racism movement.
While the attention of America—and the world, for that matter—is on the demand for answers about the death of an unarmed 18-year-old in Ferguson, Mo.
The shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer in the southern United States earlier this month has led to widespread public outrage around issues of race, class and police brutality.
Finally, residents in Ferguson, Mo., this morning are waking up to a violence-free night, 13 days after the shooting death of Michael Brown sparked days and nights of demonstrations and rage.
The police officers who shot and killed Kajieme Powell, 25, in St. Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday did so while being recorded by a man with a cell phone camera.
Summer approaches and the stench of war is all around. Or, as the great Bob Marley put it, Everywhere is War.
The fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown hardly occurred in a vacuum. It hit television and Twitter just weeks after the death of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD…
The past week’s unfolding tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri, with its militarized and overwhelmingly white police force confronting angry and hopeless African-Americans…
Because of the priceless witness of reporters like Ryan Reilly and Wesley Lowery — and, most recently, Chris Hayes — one comments warily about the events in Ferguson, Missouri…