By Devyn Springer, Truthout — “Africa fed the world, but the world eats without Africa.”—Dr. E. Obiri Addo In 1983, Audre Lorde wrote that, “among those of us who share the goals…
By Devyn Springer, Truthout — “Africa fed the world, but the world eats without Africa.”—Dr. E. Obiri Addo In 1983, Audre Lorde wrote that, “among those of us who share the goals…
By Nikolaos Karagiannis and C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout — Hurricanes have always been a part of life in the Caribbean. The destruction they cause and inhabitants’ subsequent recovery have been observed…
By Katie Halper, Raw Story — Happy Columbus Day! I hope you’re celebrating the holiday appropriately, by breaking into someone’s home and claiming that you discovered and now own it! Or you could…
The show’s fourth-season premiere, “Juneteenth: The Musical,” is a comedy. And a work of education. And an indictment. By Megan Garber, The Atlantic — This post contains spoilers for Season…
By D. Amari Jackson — In an April 2016 document sent from Tracie Sharp to her powerful States Policy Network (SPN) — a right-wing alliance of 66 think tanks across…
Regional Headquarters, Jamaica. W.I. 29 September 2017. During the past month the Caribbean has been pummelled by two catastrophic category 5 hurricanes: Irma and Maria. The aftermath of these hurricanes has been the loss of lives and significant damage to infrastructure across several Caribbean islands. The University of the West Indies (The UWI), has been working closely with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), as well as Heads of Government to mobilise its resources and expertise to provide support and relief.
Show Your Support By Donating In light of the phenomenal damage caused to the Caribbean during the 2017 hurricane season, we are all called to act and to alleviate the…
By Rev. Jesse Jackson — When Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the national anthem last year, he acted alone, a silent protest against a society that repeatedly fails to hold police accountable for the killing of unarmed African Americans. Kaepernick was condemned and now essentially has been banned from the NFL, with the owners surely colluding to ensure that a quarterback of immense talent would not find a…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, HuffPost — Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones took a knee over Trump’s insult. Shad Khan, Jacksonville Jaguars owner, linked arms with his players. Nearly a dozen NFL…
‘A sensible and effective foreign policy recognizes that our safety and welfare is bound up with the safety and welfare of others around the world.’ By Bernie Sanders, Common Dreams…
y Brandon Ellington Patterson — Last month’s torch-lit white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, a response to the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a public park, kickstarted a national dialogue about how communities should address this nation’s centuries-long history of violence and discrimination against African Americans. Democratic politicians and others, pushing back against the old arguments about maintaining our “heritage,” have called for the removal of additional Confederate statues and monuments…
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout — Last week, just days after Hurricane Irma thrashed through the Caribbean with record-high winds, the Catholic bishop of the island nation of Dominica sent a letter to the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Bishop Gabriel Malzaire pleaded with the IMF to temporarily delay debt payments from Antigua and Barbuda and other islands left in ruins by the storm. “The few dozen small…