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Initiative Posts

Here you will find IBW21 initiative news, announcements, articles, media and document posts. Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW21)

The Plight of California’s Prisoners: Hunger Strike, Sterilization and Valley Fever

By Commentaries/Opinions, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

By Jean Trounstine

It’s been two years since Governor Jerry Brown was court ordered to fix California’s ailing prisons and the situation is still life-threatening and possibly illegal.

It’s been all over the papers and many bloggers are tackling the horrendous conditions in California. A prison system that in 2011 was ordered by the Supreme Court to figure out what to do with 30,000 people who because of the system’s overcrowding were suffering “cruel and unusual punishment.”

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Criminalization, Race and Food Access in a Time of Hyper-Afrophobia

By Commentaries/Opinions, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

By Dara Cooper

Black and Brown people deserve the right to LIFE, liberty and the ability to pursue happiness.  Black and Brown people deserve the right to access quality food.  Those rights are connected.

Last week, thousands of people marched the streets all over the country for Trayvon Martin, after the teen’s murderer was acquitted, in part, because of racist imagery painted of Trayvon, making this dead young Black male guilty of his own murder.

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

No More Lectures: What President Obama Can Do for Black America

By Commentaries/Opinions, Vantage Point Articles, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

When I was at Lafayette Park (across from the White House) recently checking the logistics/arrangements for IBW’s June 17th Day of Direct Action to pressure President Obama to end the War on Drugs and invest in inner-city Black communities, I confess to having been filled with pride thinking about the reality of a Black Family occupying the White House!

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

End the “War on Drugs” and Mass Incarceration: Invest in America’s “Dark Ghettos”

By Commentaries/Opinions, Vantage Point Articles, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King stepped to the podium of the Riverside Church in New York to vigorously proclaim his opposition to the War in Vietnam.  It was one of the most powerful orations among numerous remarkable speeches delivered during his brief but extraordinary life.

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