The Majority of American Medical Doctors Think Marijuana Should be Legal

Sorry, CNN super-doc Sanjay Gupta. But it looks like you’re not that special anymore.
It turns out that a majority of American medical doctors think medical marijuana should be legalized. It’s just that they don’t appear on television to tout it.
The website WebMD this month revealed results of a survey of 1,544 doctors from more than 12 specialties in at least 48 states.
Fifty-six percent said it should be medically legal. An even higher number, 67 percent, said it should be a medical option. (Don’t these geniuses realize that it would have to be medically legal in order to be a “medical option”? Doesn’t take a brain surgeon … Oh, wait).
A whopping 69 percent agree that marijuana could be effective in treating certain ailments.
About 52 percent of docs in states considering legalization are for it. Fifty percent in states where pot is in no way legal say it should be.
The website notes that a few states have already experienced nearly two decades of medical legalization, giving medical professionals at least some anecdotal evidence about the potential effectiveness and alleged harms of cannabis.
WebMD Chief Medical Editor Michael W. Smith, MD, says:
The medical community is clearly saying they support using marijuana as a potential treatment option for any number of medical problems. In fact, many doctors already prescribe it. But health professionals are still unclear as to what the long-term effects may be. The findings would indicate a strong desire to have the DEA ease the restrictions on research so that additional studies can be done to conclusively show where medical marijuana can help and where it might not.