By: Yesha Callahan

Dan Aykroyd is joining in with the multitude of Leslie Jones supporters who rallied on her behalf after she was attacked on Twitter by racist trolls.
Aykroyd, who starred in the original Ghostbusters movie, compared the trolls to supporters of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.
“Well, first of all, she’s a great writer, great comedian and comes from a real urban background where she had a lot of hardship, and she’s channelling that into a great achievement and a great career,” Aykroyd told ET Canada.
When it comes to the trolls, Aykroyd said, “These people, they’re insignificant gnats, they’re losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the Wi-Fi they’re using.”
He added, “I would say you’re looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or members of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.
“I’m afraid to say that that contingency will be voting for the Republican ticket, pretty much that’s what the statistics are indicating, that there’s a lot of white racist hatred out there that’s going to channel into a support for the Republican ticket, maybe in the false belief that these people share their views,” he continued.
“I don’t think that Trump and [GOP vice presidential nominee Mike] Pence are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones, I really don’t,” Aykroyd added. “Trump may be saying some things to go that way to get some votes but—well, I don’t know.”
As someone who deals with racist trolls, as well as with black men who like to refer to me as a “negro bed wench” on Twitter on a daily basis, I definitely believe most of these people are not only sad and lonely, but also have the inability to function anywhere in life besides from behind a keyboard.