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This image is found on the M4BL COVID-19 demands webpage.

The Antidote to COVID-19 is the Movement for Black Lives Policy Platform of Demands

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

By White People 4 Black Lives (WP4BL) — Amidst the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, the national Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) has put forth a set of urgent policy demands. White People 4 Black Lives wholeheartedly endorses M4BL’s policy demands, and we pledge to fight for them — and against, in the words of M4BL’s platform preamble,the “the tragic and unnecessary theft and loss of Black life.” As white people, we…

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Protesters hold a banner during a Jewish solidarity march across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City on January 5, 2020.

As Jews, We Must Reject White Supremacy’s Efforts to Pit Us Against Other Groups

By Commentaries/Opinions

Amid fear and mourning, many Jewish groups are turning toward anti-racist solidarity to create real safety. By Jay Saper — I was proud to march against anti-Semitism with tens of thousands of New Yorkers on Sunday in the wake of the heartbreaking attacks on Orthodox Jewish communities from Monsey to Jersey City to Brooklyn. While Sunday’s march displayed powerful unity in our rejection of anti-Semitism, it also underscored a central…

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‘Suggesting that whiteness has no meaning creates an alienating – even hostile – climate for people of color working and living in predominantly white environments.’

White people assume niceness is the answer to racial inequality. But it’s not.

By Commentaries/Opinions

While most of us see ourselves as ‘not racist’, we continue to reproduce racist outcomes and live segregated lives. By Robin diAngelo, The Guardian — I am white. As an academic, consultant and writer on white racial identity and race relations, I speak daily with other white people about the meaning of race in our lives. These conversations are critical because, by virtually every measure, racial inequality persists, and institutions…

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Fund for Reparations Now

White activist and group of progressives launch FFRN! initiative to support NAARC

By NAARC News, News & Current Affairs, Press Releases / Statements, Reparations

White Activist and Group of Progressives Launch “Fund for Reparations Now” Will Support the National African American Reparations Commission. Los Angeles, CA — As support for reparations for the descendants of enslaved Africans in America continues to build momentum across the country, David Gardinier, a Los Angeles-based racial justice activist, has assembled a group of like-minded White progressives to launch the Fund for Reparations Now (FFRN). The objective of this…

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‘Sooner or later progressives are going to have to stop being stunned by these electoral defeats.’

Shocked by the rise of the right? Then you weren’t paying attention

By Commentaries/Opinions

The seeds of Trump, Brexit and Modi’s success were sown by endemic racism and unfairness. Tackling that is the answer By Gary Younge, The Guardian — The morning after both Donald Trump’s victory and the Brexit referendum, when a mood of paralysing shock and grief overcame progressives and liberals on both sides of the Atlantic, the two most common refrains I heard were: “I don’t recognise my country any more,” and…

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