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Haiti Crisis

Haiti Support Project Leads “Pilgrimage” Delegation to Haiti

By HSP News, Press Releases / Statements

January 17-21, 2012 (two years after the devastating earthquake) the Haiti Support Project (HSP) will lead a delegation of thirty-seven (38) African Americans and Haitian Americans to Haiti to assess the progress of the recovery/reconstruction and explore ways to engage people of African descent from the U.S. in the process of building the new Haiti.

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By Docs, HSP News

October 7-11, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led its third Delegation to Haiti since the fateful earthquake of January 12th. The atmosphere was in marked contrast to HSP´s Third Annual Pilgrimage in October of 2009 when there were signs of a much brighter future for Haiti and its people. A year ago there were clear indicators that after a period of political stability, relative security and greater transparency and accountability by the government, conditions were ripe for modest economic growth and new levels of international investment. There was optimism in the air.

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