RECORDED 6/10/19 — On this edition of Vantage Point Radio, the Professor Dr. Ron Daniels talks with Atty. Nkechi Taifa: The Taifa Group Consulting and National African American Reparations Commission – NAARC, Rubbie L. Hodge: Author of the poem Lift Ev’ry Voice and Scream: A Cry for Reparations and callers about HR-40 and the African American Quest for Reparations.
June 3rd Edition of Vantage Point Topics The FBI Black Extremist Assessment: COINTELPRO Part II And Comments and Commentary by Dr. Ron Daniels Guests Atty. Adjoa Aiyetoro, Civil Rights/Human Rights…

Rock Newman Show — With reparations, gentrification, issues like the Mueller Report and rising calls for president Trump’s impeachment making headlines. We’ll share an illuminating discussion of the “Politics of the Unusual” with political scientist Dr. Ron Daniels, president of “The Institute of the Black World 21st Century”. Comments: Share your thoughts or read comments made by others about this episode of the Rock Newman Show on the Rock Newman…
April 8th Edition of Vantage Point Radio Program Focus Report Back from the National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Newark Town Hall Meeting on Gentrification Gentrification: The Negro Removal Program of…
April 1st Vantage Point: Newark Town Hall Meeting on “The Negro Removal Program of the 21st Century”
4/1/19 Vantage Point Radio. Topic: Newark Town Hall Meeting Gentrification, The Negro Removal Program of the 21st Century. Guests Fredrica Bey (New Jersey Coalition for Due Process and WISOMM, Newark, NJ) and Larry Hamm (Chairman People’s Organization for Progress, Newark, NJ).
3/25/19 Vantage Point Radio with Dr. Ron Daniels — Topics Combating Gentrification with Beloved Streets • The Mueller Report. Guests Melvin White (President/CEO, Beloved Streets of America, St. Louis, MO) Mark Thompson (Host of Make It Plain, SIRIUS XM, New York, NY)
3/11/19 Vantage Point Radio with Dr. Ron Daniels — Topics: Roland Martin Unfiltered and York College Conversation with Tarana Burke. Guests: Ebonie Jackson (Manager, Women’s Center, York College/CUNY, Jamaica, NY) and Roland Martin (Host, #RolandMartinUnfiltered, Washington, D.C.)

The solutions to Baltimore’s inequitable financing problems must be as radical as the policies that segregated the city in the first place, says Lawrence Brown. By Brentin Mock, City Lab — On December 19, 1910, the city of Baltimore passed an ordinance that a New York Times writer called “the most remarkable … ever entered upon the records of town or city of this country.” The ordinance made it illegal for any…

Atlanta, GA — The “Buy Black” movement draws the attention of a French news outlet. In this video you’ll hear from Killer Mike (Rapper, Activist), Dr. Boyce Watkins (Author, Economist),…
RECORDED 1/21/19 — Dr. Ron Daniels (President, IBW21) talks with callers and guest Rev. Dennis Dillon (Senior Pastor, The Rise Church, Brooklyn NY) about Dr. Martin Luther King, King’s vision, Economic Justice, the African Diaspora and the Year of the Return to Africa on this Martin Luther King Day edition of Vantage Point Radio.
Focus: A Tribute to Don Rojas. Guests: Herb Boyd (Author, Columnist, Amsterdam News, Harlem, NY), Atty. Nkechi Taifa (Consultant, Human Rights Advocate, Washington, D.C.), Carlotta Scott (Former Legislative Assistant, Cong.Ronald V. Dellums, Washington, D.C.) and Rick Adams (Chair., Board of Directors, Institute of the Black World, Pittsburgh, PA)