Monday, July 12, 2021 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with special guest Damien Goodman. Topic Gentrification: A State of Emergency…

Black Displacement Hearing – City Council Public Hearing The Pittsburgh Justice Coalition (PJC) is a group of organizations and individuals who are opposed to the misguided and ill-fated War on…

On this day, April 6, 2019, scores of grassroots leaders, community economic development practitioners, urban planners, elected officials, scholars, professional planners, civil rights and faith leaders gathered in Newark, New…

By Elizabeth Kim, The Gothamist — In 1958, Lenox Terrace vaulted itself into the rarified standing of being the first luxury apartment complex in Harlem. Built on three blocks as…
Vantage Point Radio September 30, 2019 Edition of Vantage Point with host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor Topics New Book: The Gentrification Wars by Earl Ofari Hutchinson Struggle Against…

Presentation by Jeffrey S. Lowe, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy, Texas Southern University for the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW). National Emergency…

The National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Participants Emerge Determined to Preserve and Rebuild Black Communities Organizers Outline Elements of an Action Agenda Synopsis of the Proceedings April 4-6, scores of…
April 8th Edition of Vantage Point Radio Program Focus Report Back from the National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Newark Town Hall Meeting on Gentrification Gentrification: The Negro Removal Program of…

Gentrification is geographically limited in cities, but a new study shows where it has become a crisis, particularly for low-income black households. By Brentin Mock, CityLab — Ron Daniels, president of the Baltimore-based civil-rights network Institute of the Black World 21st Century, assembled a group of some of the foremost African-American social-justice advocates, thinkers, and influencers to Newark this weekend for an emergency summit on gentrification. The emergency is that too many…
APRIL 5, 2019, NEWARK, NJ — Panelists from across the country shared their perspectives on the nature of the crisis and offered ideas for countering the devastating assault on Black communities.
April 1st Vantage Point: Newark Town Hall Meeting on “The Negro Removal Program of the 21st Century”
4/1/19 Vantage Point Radio. Topic: Newark Town Hall Meeting Gentrification, The Negro Removal Program of the 21st Century. Guests Fredrica Bey (New Jersey Coalition for Due Process and WISOMM, Newark, NJ) and Larry Hamm (Chairman People’s Organization for Progress, Newark, NJ).