Not terribly long ago in a country that many people misremember, if they knew it at all, a black person was killed in public every four days for often the most mundane of infractions…

As White people who aren’t seething with racism, we have the duty to show solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters in the aftermath of the Ferguson decision.
I have seen police brutality up close. Both in Haiti, where I was born during a ruthless dictatorship, and in New York, where I migrated to a working-class…
The failure to indict Darren Wilson for killing an unarmed black teen, painful as it is, should be seen a small lost battle in the larger war for justice in America—which is being won.

On Monday, a grand jury decided not to indict white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for killing black 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Police Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted on Monday, but society itself was.
I suppose there is no longer much point in debating the facts surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown.

Tonight, St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch announced the decision of the grand jury in the killing of Michael Brown…

The nomination of Loretta Lynch as the next attorney general of the United States perhaps displays as much presidential deftness as it does defiance. Clearly, in the wake of last week’s election, President Barack Obama wants to show some.
Over many years of doing anti-racist work among whites I have learned that the role of slavery in the formation of the economics, politics and culture of the United States…
Protesters obstructed traffic along Atlanta’s Downtown Connector—a section of Interstate Highways 75 and 85—Wednesday evening in support for Michael Brown as the black community continues to demand answers in the Aug. 9 shooting of the unarmed black teen by a white Ferguson police officer, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.