Thursday, February 20, 2020, 6:00 PM — On the eve of the 54th Commemoration of the Martyrdom of “Our Black Shining Prince” to celebrate the life and legacy of Malcolm…
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 6:00 PM — On the eve of the 54th Commemoration of the Martyrdom of “Our Black Shining Prince” to celebrate the life and legacy of Malcolm…
Topic: Countdown to the “The Professor’s” Retirement — A Tribute to York College, City University of New York. Guests: Dr. Marcia Keizs (President, York College), Dr. Vincent Banrey (Vice-President of Student Development, York College), Vica Mars, Executive Assistant to the Vice-President of Student Development, York College), Dr. Selena Rodgers (Associate Professor of Social Work, York College), Dr. George White (Chairman, Depart. of History, Philosophy and Anthropology, York College) and Dr. Anthony Andrews (Higher Education Associate, Student Activities, York College)
Press Release — April 30, 2018 Dr. Ron Daniels to Retire as Distinguished Lecturer at York College/CUNY Final Campus/Community Lecture Scheduled for May 17th Dr. Ron Daniels, Distinguished…
Thursday, May 17, 2018 at York College, Queens NY — Dr. Ron Daniels final campus/community lecture titled “Toward a More Perfect Union, Finishing the Unfinished Black Freedom Struggle”.