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IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.

Institute of the Black World 21st Century

IBW Town Hall Meeting to Address State of Emergency in Black Philadelphia

By Editors' Choice, Press Releases / Statements

Eager to play a more active role in combating the multiple crises plaguing many inner-city neighborhoods, a committee comprised of representatives of African-centered Black professional organizations is convening a Town Hall Meeting, Friday, November 22, 7:00 – 9:30 P.M. at Resurrection Community Methodist Church, 6200 Dicks Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia.

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Cuba, Sí!

By Commentaries/Opinions, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

By Trevor Brown

With the international community’s attention being taken up by the recent revelation of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, that the United States government through its National Security Agency (NSA), was ‘eaves dropping’ on her personal conversation, coupled with further allegations that Spain another ‘ friendly’ country, having 60,000,000(sixty million) conversations tapped in the space of 30 days and at least 35 other world leaders being subjected to similar monitoring by this security behemoth, a very important vote will be taken in the hallowed halls of United Nations(UN) on October 29, 2013.

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