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Donald Trump meets with Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and other congressional leaders in the Oval Office of the White House, September 6, 2017. (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)

How Corporate Capitalism Looted Democracy

By Editors' Choice

Democrats not only colluded with Republicans in the robbery—some may now be willing to allow corporations to evade hundreds of billions they owe in back taxes. By William Greider — The party of Trump is being torn to pieces by its own crackpot, bigoted leader, and Democrats are eagerly feeding on the carcass. But we can already see that the Democratic Party is astride its own contradictions.

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Reparations for Slavery

Ten Fundamental Principles of Reparations

By Reparations

1. Validation of Our Humanity, 2. Completion of the Emancipation Process, 3. Compensation Must Be Proportionate to the Crime, 4. Reparations Must Produce the Just Society, 5. Africans Must Exercise Autonomy Throughout the Process, 6. We Must Repair Ourselves, 7. Self-repair Will Generate Mass Support for Reparations, 8. Reparations Must Be a Broad Movement, 9. The Mass of Our People Must Be Intimately Involved, 10. Network and Establish a New International Legal Structure

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"The causes of this racial wealth divide have little to do with individual behavior. Instead, they’re the result of a range of systemic factors and policies." (Photo: Kenneth Worles, Jr. / Institute for Policy Studies)

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America’s Middle Class

By Commentaries/Opinions

As our country becomes more diverse, our racial wealth gap means it’s also becoming poorer. By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Chuck Collins — America’s middle class is under assault. Since 1983, national median wealth has declined by 20 percent, falling from $73,000 to $64,000 in 2013. And U.S. homeownership has been in a steady decline since 2005. While we often hear about the struggles of the white working class, a driving force behind…

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While the G.I. Bill and other post-World War II policies helped to build a strong middle class, many of those benefits were not extended to black families—just one factor that led to the racial wealth gap seen today. (Photo: @LadyLSpeaks/Twitter)

The Racial Wealth Gap Is Leading to An Almost-Nonexistent Middle Class

By Commentaries/Opinions

With people of color projected to make up the majority of Americans by 2043, a new study warns against policies that keep many black and Latino households out of the middle class. By Julia Conley — A new study finds that if the racial wealth divide is left unaddressed, the median wealth for black Americans will fall to $0 by 2053, with Latino Americans reaching the same median wealth two decades later. According to the report by…

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