A Tribute to Harry Balafonte in honor of his 90th birthday – Vantage Point Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ron Daniels with guests Danny Glover, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Jasiri…

The effort to repeal and replace health care is generating headlines, and the attempt to investigate our 45th President’s Russia connections is of high importance. The specious claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower…

By Sarah Lazare – In a call with investors, GEO Group executives boast of a new boon to business. In a February 22 call with investors, the private prison corporation GEO Group openly boasted that the Trump administration’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants is boosting its bottom line and fueling its expansion.

By Keegan Hamilton – It was once known as Ritmo — the Gitmo of Raymondville, Texas. The notorious private prison, sometimes compared to the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay but officially named the Willacy County Correctional Center…

Class-action lawsuit claims ICE played a part in breaking anti-slavery laws. As many as 60,000 immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement could play a role in a class-action lawsuit accusing a private prison company of violating federal anti-slavery laws.

Make no mistake there’s a calculated method to Ben Carson’s zaniness. There’s absolutely no way he could not know that making an idiotic crack that blacks took what amounted …

The remedial phase of the Maryland HBCU equity lawsuit being heard in federal district court is coming to end. Coalition for Equity and Excellence…

In “A Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens contrasted the plight of the poor in France with the lavish wealth of the aristocracy, the city of need with the city of greed. That harsh exploitation eventually erupted in the French Revolution, and the brutal revenge of the revolutionaries on their former oppressors.

We have had more than forty days and forty nights of the Trump presidency and the federal system in America is suffering from what has become a situation of chronic chaos. Trump’s state of the union address gave…

A Friday conference brought Harvard’s extensive historical connections to slavery into sharp relief, with some participants encouraging the University to consider monetary reparations.

By Jamila Johnson and Yamily Habib – In 1908, when 15,000 women marched through New York City to demand shorter work hours, better pay and the right to vote, no one was ready to call it a movement.

Eighty HBCU Presidents did a “fly in” to the White House in a meeting organized by Trump whisperer Omarosa, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and others. There was a White House meeting, a meeting at the Library of Congress, and more buzz than that which comes from a bee hive.