On the evening of Jan. 27, Kareem Serageldin walked out of his Times Square apartment with his brother and an old Yale roommate and took off on the four-hour drive to Philipsburg, a small town smack in the middle of Pennsylvania.
On the evening of Jan. 27, Kareem Serageldin walked out of his Times Square apartment with his brother and an old Yale roommate and took off on the four-hour drive to Philipsburg, a small town smack in the middle of Pennsylvania.
By Andrea James
During a time of the year when we celebrate mothers and the contribution women provide to the strength, health and well-being of our children and communities, thousands of mothers remain separated from their children due to
When Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend he did not want her bringing blacks to Clippers’ games, he wasn’t talking to some blue-eyed blond.
The National Urban League announced on Friday that it will lobby against passage of the Johnson-Crapo housing reform bill unless changes are made in the Senate Banking Committee to the draft legislation to boost affordable housing before the bill is sent this week to the Senate floor.
The history of Black people in this country is a complex, engaging and thought-compelling history, a history of Holocaust and enduring hope; of savage enslavement and yet an unsupressable desire and demand for freedom.
At a panel titled “Grassroots Organizing” at the Network for Public Education conference in Austin in March, an audience member asked the all-white panel for its definition of “grassroots.” The conference had been called to “give voice to those opposing privatization, school closings, and high-stakes testing.”
Pasha Jackson prides himself on punctuality, so when he arrived 20 minutes late to the interview, he asked for forgiveness.
At the march on Washington in August 1963, where Martin Luther King made his “I have a dream” speech, the United States Information Agency, the nation’s propaganda wing devoted to “public diplomacy”, made a documentary.
When a product sells phenomenally well, as Thomas Piketty’s new book is currently doing, popular economic theory says that means one of two things:
Today, the Department of Justice outlined expanded criteria that could allow prisoners convicted of non-violent crimes to win early release from prison. Under the new initiative, the Office of the Pardon Attorney will fast-track commutation applications from inmates who have served more than 10 years for non-violent offenses and who were well-behaved while imprisoned.
The lack of markets to supply raw materials for Cuba’s new private sector, along with the poverty in isolated rural communities, is fuelling the poaching of endangered species of flora and fauna. In 2010, the socialist government of Raúl Castro gave the green light to private enterprise in a
How much does a full-time worker earning the current minimum wage of $7.25 per hour make in one year? This worker earns only $15,080, which is $4,000 below the federal poverty line for a family of three. Most people would agree that this is not a livable salary anywhere in the nation, especially for families with children. Raising the minimum wage would make a significant difference for all Americans—and people of color in particular; it would increase the total combined wages of people of color by $16.1 billion.