The highlight of the night so far was Lupita Nyong’o winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Not only was her win well deserved and well received — Chiwetel Efiofor had tears in his eyes.
The highlight of the night so far was Lupita Nyong’o winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Not only was her win well deserved and well received — Chiwetel Efiofor had tears in his eyes.
Often, particularly in urban schools and districts, someone asks: “Where are the black male teachers?”
One day in 1999, a manager at Burger King went to deposit the day’s cash at a nearby bank in St. Charles, Missouri, when two men, one holding a BB gun, approached him and told him to drop the money.
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT NIGGERS, the oppressed minority within our minority. Always down. Always out. Always complaining that they can’t catch a break. Notoriously poor about doing for themselves.
“I do not want the public smoking of marijuana around my kid — I do not.” D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson recently spoke these words as Councilmembers met to consider legislation that would end arrests for the possession and use of small amounts of marijuana.
The Officers and Board of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century joins in mourning the loss of the Honorable Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi and one of the great freedom fighters of our time.
The United Nations Population Division, which tracks demographic data from around the world, has dramatically revised its projections for what will happen in the next 90 years. The new statistics, based on in-depth survey data from sub-Saharan Africa, tell the story of a world poised to change drastically over the next several decades.
From the kangaroo courts and lynching laws of yesterday to the still lingering crack vs. powder-cocaine disparity today, miscarriages of justice have been an ever-present feature of the U.S. criminal punishment system.