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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Julianne Malveaux

If You Don’t Like Disparities, Try Equality

By Commentaries/Opinions, Dr. Julianne Malveaux

** Author’s Note: In my column “IF YOU DON’T LIKE DISPARITIES, TRY EQUALITY” I erroneously restated a comment I heard during a “think tank” at Rodham Institute. I was extremely remiss in not fact checking this statement. In communicating with Howard University, the facts are that of the 120 students admitted in Howard University’s School […]

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Rev. Jesse Jackson

A fair minimum wage is a measure of decency

By Commentaries/Opinions, Rev Jesse Jackson

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The April jobs report has been hailed as good news by the nation’s newspapers. But a look under the numbers is more sobering. In Chicago and cities across the country, extreme poverty remains high, and the jobless still haunt our streets. Washington would rather sell optimism. We’ve seen 38 straight months of private-sector jobs growth. The stock market is at record heights. Corporate profits are setting records as a percentage of the economy. Compared with Europe and Japan, the U.S. is doing well. But more than 20 million people are still in need of full-time work. That level of unemployment …

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

No More Lectures: What President Obama Can Do for Black America

By Commentaries/Opinions, Vantage Point Articles, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

When I was at Lafayette Park (across from the White House) recently checking the logistics/arrangements for IBW’s June 17th Day of Direct Action to pressure President Obama to end the War on Drugs and invest in inner-city Black communities, I confess to having been filled with pride thinking about the reality of a Black Family occupying the White House!

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