By Christina Pazzanese/Harvard Staff Writer Credit: Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer “This is not about retribution and anger, it’s about atonement; it’s about the building of bridges across lines of moral justice,” said…
By Terrance Heath In the 2016 presidential primary, Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders can’t afford to take African-American votes for granted. With the Iowa caucus and the New…
By Simon T. Meiners Each February millions of Americans pretend that white supremacy is dead. Black History Month? Reverse racism. Slavery? It’s over. Reparations? Fat chance. But here’s what few seem to understand: History…
By: Kirsten West Savali Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson Ben Carson wants us to know that he’s a black man, unlike President Barack Obama. He needs voters, white voters in particular,…
There was a time in Jamaican politics that Parties never really issued manifestoes. When they began, they were not that carefully developed. In today’s world of public relations and internet…
February 23, 2016. In the presidential campaign, we’ve seen libels on immigrants, fear mongering about Syrian refugees, arguments over Medicare for All and Obamacare, concerns about big money corrupting…
The morality of remembrance is deeply and indelibly rooted in the culture and consciousness of African people. Indeed, it is expressed repeatedly in our ancient sacred texts and in…
By Bill Fletcher, Jr. I met Bernie Sanders in the late 1980s when he was a visiting fellow at Harvard University still contemplating his political future. We had…
By Aislinn Pulley, Truthout President Obama in Washington, DC, on September 18, 2014. The Obama administration invited civil rights activists and leaders from around the country to the White House to…
By Mychal Denzel Smith Demonstrators protest the death of Eric Garner on August 23, 2014, in Staten Island. (AP Photo / John Minchillo) Most of the work of movement building takes place…
By Jeffrey Blount (From February 14th Washington Post) Today is President’s Day. Through ceremony and remembrance, we celebrate our commanders in chief with a particular emphasis on the first, George Washington. Most…
By Jeff Cohen — Corporate mainstream media have sanitized and distorted the life and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., putting him in the category of a “civil rights leader” who focused…