Christmas decorations light the streets. Malls are full. Christmas music fills the air. But this year, there is a somber undercurrent to t…
This is the month when our minds and hearts turn toward Haiti in focused homage to the Haitian people, who through their liberation struggle carved out of the rugged rock and horror of the Holocaust of enslavement a special space for African and human freedom in the world.
Who is surprised that Lance Armstrong was doping? Who thinks he was the only one? Who is surprised that he used the Oprah Winfrey show as his platform to “come clean”? We are a nation of cheaters and Armstrong is one in a long line of our nation’s cheaters. Indeed the very foundation of our […]
Do not turn your eyes from the horror of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn. Twenty children, their teachers and a…
One hundred and fifty years ago, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a flawed document that freed enslaved people in Confederate areas that he did not control. At the same time, it was a progressive document because it initiated discussion about the “freedom” Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteen Amendments. One hundred years later, […]
Congressman John Boehner was reelected speaker of the House of Representatives with a narrow vote. Needing 218 votes, he narrowly clinched it with 220. His narrow vote reflects the fact that no Democrat would vote for him and many Republicans are disillusioned of him. Perhaps it also reflects the fact that he has so poorly […]
First, to the Honorable Pedro Pires, former distinguished President of Cape Verde and President of the Amilcar Cabral Foundation, Officials of Government, Officials of the Foundation and assembled Speakers and Panelists, I consider it a great honor and privilege to be afforded an opportunity to share a few ideas on the relevance of the thought and theory of Amilcar Cabral in the contemporary context on the occasion of the Commemoration of his 90th Birthday.
Mob boss, angry Black man, thug are a few of the worse stereotypes of media.
Tuesday, thousands will demonstrate at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing to protest a frontal assault on working people. Republican ma…
The questioning of Kwanzaa comes with each season of its celebration as a kind of background noise and verbal nonsense, noted for its racialized rancor and irrationality rather than its relevance and for its strange preoccupation with Kwanzaa’s value and durability while annually announcing its imminent death.
On New Year’s Eve, African Americans from around the country gathered in Black churches for “Watch Night” Services, the tradition of reenacting the watch of enslaved Africans December 31, 1862, as our ancestors eagerly awaited the day that the Emancipation Proclamation would officially become law…
Now, at the beginning of this the year of our people 6252, let us again, in the tradition of our ancestors, wish for African people everywhere, as well as all the peoples of the world: blessings without number and all good things without end.