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Bashir Muhammad Akinyele

Newark Activist On Black History Month: Where Do We Go From Here?

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“When we really unify with one another, fight for self-determination, vote, and coalition build, our movements become much stronger.” By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele — With the tragic killings of Blackmen, Blackwomen, Black children, and Black youth going on in African America on a daily basis, we must force our people, and the world, to understand that neglected and failed American policies to eradicate racism, Black self-hatred, poverty, drugs, high incarceration…

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A woman shops for food at the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Want to Eradicate Hunger in America? Take on Racism.

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A new study found that people who experience discrimination are almost twice as likely as others to struggle with hunger. By Greg Kaufmann, The Nation — With more than 40 million people in the country struggling with hunger, anti-hunger advocates in the United States have their work cut out for them. In 2017, nearly 12 percent of all US households were food insecure—meaning they didn’t have access to enough food for all household members…

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Ralph Northam admits he was in 1984 yearbook photo showing figures in blackface, KKK hood

Why the GOP Really Outed Northam

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By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — First there was a murky outfit calling itself Big League Politics that plastered all over the place Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s now infamous medical school yearbook shot of him horsing around in either a Klan outfit or Blackface or both. Then a pack of Virginia GOP legislators piled on and demanded his resignation for his supposedly dastardly racism. Then Trump jumped in with the inevitable tweet…

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‘Housing is central to the ‘good life’ in the United States.’

Housing market racism persists despite ‘fair housing’ laws

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In the US, where homeownership speaks to class, African Americans are being denied mortgages at rates much higher than their white peers By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The Guardian — As a new year begins and the 2020 presidential election looms closer, our political focus will start to narrow around the issues thought to be most urgent and likely to mobilize voters. One issue surely to be glossed over, if not completely…

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