Tuesday is Election Day. Please make certain that you vote. In the close presidential election, it is clear that every vote counts — and…
Commentary, articles and essays by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Tuesday is Election Day. Please make certain that you vote. In the close presidential election, it is clear that every vote counts — and…
When former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, Romney campaign chair John Sununu dismissed it as just a …
Tuesday is In Cook County jails, prisoners are charged as much as $15 a call to be in touch with their relatives. The exploitive rates can force families — already struggling with the burdens of having a loved one locked up…
‘Corporations are people, my friends,” said Mitt Romney. And in Citizens United, the conservative justices of the Supreme Court agreed…
Why do imaginary phantoms terrify, while real-life horrors seem normal? Why do our elected representatives act in ways that trample the values of those who elected them?
Debate moderators always get a bad rap. As Jim Lehrer and Martha Raddatz demonstrated, candidates’ zealous supporters tend to blame the …
Mrs. Dot Turner has worked at what is now Sensata Technologies in Downstate Freeport for 43 years. The company does sophisticated work cre…
As Wednesday’s presidential debate approaches, the political junkies are gearing up for a shoot-out. If history is any guide, much atten…
When former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, Romney campaign chair John Sununu dismissed it as just a black man standing up for one of his tribe.
The silence is deafening. Last week, the New York Times reported a horrifying measure of America’s shame. Life expectancy for white wome…
The Chicago teachers strike has gotten national attention, much of it presuming that the biggest issues are pay and evaluation. But the Ch…
Nearly 50 million Americans now are in poverty. One in four children will grow up in impoverished households. Redressing poverty is a nati…