On Thursday evening December 5, Nelson Mandela died at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa.
On Thursday evening December 5, Nelson Mandela died at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa.
By Bill Moyers
I met Supreme Court Justice William Brennan in 1987 when I was creating a series for public television called In Search of the Constitution, celebrating the bicentennial of our founding document.
By Dean Baker
In the past two days we’ve seen a federal judge rule that Detroit can go bankrupt, putting its workers’ pensions in jeopardy, and we have seen Illinois’ Legislature vote for substantial cuts in its retirees’ pensions.
My family, like the cops in our neighborhood, view my boyfriend as a trespasser. Stop and Frisk, a controversial policing policy in New York City, becomes real when it enters your home.
Chauncey DeVega, AlterNet
The right’s politics of cruelty would have the poor, the brown and even children ‘disappeared.’
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Reparations Commission chairman, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles said that public health was identified as one of the six areas for reparatory diplomacy and action.
The small Latin American country of Uruguay has become the only country that allows growing and selling marijuana
As the world joins together in celebrating the life of Nelson R. Mandela, South Africa’s “Madiba” who symbolizes freedom and dignity in every corner of the planet…
By Ajamu Baraka — “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” – Audre Lorde December 10 is recognized as International Human Rights Day and celebrated around the world….
Nelson Mandela is dead, and the media pullulates with blazing adulation. Much of it is justified: we must, after all, extol Madiba’s courageous opposition to a barbarous system, and to the barbarous philosophy that maintained it in existence.
Dec. 10 (GIN) – Record numbers of Facebook and Twitter users posted their thoughts and prayers for former South African leader Nelson Mandela and the nation with numbers running in the hundreds of thousands.
BRUSSELS, Belgium, Tuesday December 10, 2013, CMC – The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of countries Tuesday began a two-day meeting here overshadowed by the death of the former South African president Nelson Mandela and economic woes facing the 79-member grouping.