A coalition of political figures from around the world, including Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary general…
The news: Breathe easy, potheads of Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love is about to become the largest in the country to decriminalize marijuana.
The Institute of the Black World 21st Century held a forum on the impact of the policies of the “War on Drugs” on the African-American community. Speakers included Jesse…

On top of its vast medicinal benefits and a “high” that’s safer and mellower than alcohol, what if cannabis could also power a cheap…
In November Florida will put its first medical marijuana initiative to a vote. If passed, the initiative will provide medical patients limited, state-legal access to marijuana medicine, rather than turning them into criminals. While 23 states have successfully passed similar medical marijuana initiatives with strictly positive results, Florida’s medical marijuana opponents continue to wave red flags that have long been debunked by logic, science and reality. What’s really motivating these stubborn prohibitionists? Here’s a hint: it’s green like pot, but doesn’t smell as good.
Perhaps the terrible truth of drug war violence will finally be addressed as all of America bore witness this summer to the horror of some 52,000 unaccompanied children who were fleeing devastating violence that had erupted in Central America.
When Regina McNight, a young African American woman, suffered an unexpected stillbirth, she was convicted of homicide by child abuse on grounds that she had used cocaine during her pregnancy.
NEW YORK — A comprehensive new bill would ensure that marijuana in New York state is decriminalized not only for white people, but for all people, a group of progressive lawmakers said Wednesday.

Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, did several stints in rehab after crashing his car into a barricade on Capitol Hill in 2006, a headline-making event that revealed…
From an ancient Chinese cure-all to the settlers of Jamestown to Colorado’s legalization experiment, the complicated evolution of marijuana.
At the semi-annual summit of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), which concluded in Antigua this weekend, CARICOM leaders agreed to establish a commission to review marijuana policy in the region in order to assess the need for reforms to marijuana laws.

Among the proposals is that users of small quantities of the drug will no longer have a criminal record, and smoking of the weed would be lawful under certain conditions