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News & Current Affairs

Mass Incarceration in the Cornfields: Shattered Families and Racial Profiling in Small-Town America

By News & Current Affairs

By James Kilgore – This story is the second in a new Truthout series, Severed Ties: The Human Toll of Prisons. This series will dive deeply into the impact of incarceration on families, loved ones and communities, demonstrating how the United States’ incarceration of more than 2 million people also harms many millions more — including 2.7 million children.

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Trump Makes Weird, Tone-Deaf Speech at African-American Museum

By News & Current Affairs

By Stephen A. Crockett Jr. – I’m really reaching my threshold with this president. On Tuesday he visited the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture and made a tone-deaf, rambling speech. While we’ve become used to his stream of consciousness attempts at public speaking, Trump’s ability to just flat out act as if he’s not the perpetrator of the most xenophobic administrations this country has ever known is mind-boggling. I will break down the speech so that you don’t have to waste your time watching it.

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Julianne Malveaux

IBW Statement HR-40 by Dr. Malveaux

By NAARC News, Reparations

When he addressed the Southern Christian Leadership Council in 1967, in his speech, “Where Do We Go From Here?” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noted “ Of the good things in life, the Negro has approximately one half those of whites. of the bad things of life, he has twice those of whites. Thus half of all Negroes live in substandard housing. And Negroes have half the income of whites…

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Why Do Black Lives Matter?

By News & Current Affairs

By: Daniel Peterson – The inequity of opportunity attacks Black America perhaps even more seriously now, given its extremes than the economic reality which encouraged Dr. King to shift the focus of his movement from civil rights to economic justice, as omitted in his last, tragically sterilized effort to organize a “Poor People’s Campaign.”

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