In each police-related death recently dominating the headlines, authorities overreacted to black men’s behaviors as if they were life-threatening.

Immigration may seem an odd topic to discuss during Black History Month, I would challenge that there is no part of our history that is not shaped by migration, be it the forced migration of continental Africans to the Americas through the transatlantic slave trade or the Great Migration of free Blacks from the South after Reconstruction.
Formerly known as the Ferguson Reads List, this reading list is intended to provide some history and context to the recent protests. This is a community curated list of books…
Members of the Russian parliament are creating a task force to estimate the damages inflicted on Russia by Germany during WWII, in a bid to demand financial compensation from the German state almost 70 years after the end of the conflict, Russian daily newspaper Izvestia reported on Tuesday.

Rosa Parks’ volumes of letters, writings, photographs and personal notes will be released to the Library of Congress on Wednesday, giving researchers and the public access to the revered civil rights figure’s life and innermost thoughts, the Associated Press reports.

There was a time when a U.S. president could wander around inside a moving train, by himself, during an afternoon. In 1948 Harry S. Truman made a surprise visit to the compartment of Alice Dunnigan, who, typewriter across her lap, was writing her story for the black press.
The mass media have suddenly discovered Jeffrey Sterling — after his conviction Monday afternoon as a CIA whistleblower.

Last year saw a number of high- profile and tragic killings of African-Americans by police. The globally-publicised shooting of the 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in August was followed in September by the killing of 22-year-old John Crawford III, in Beavercreek, Ohio…

President Obama kicked off what he refers to as “the fourth quarter” of his presidency with a State of the Union address that detailed a pragmatic progressive agenda with the potential to influence much of this year’s DC wrangling and all of next year’s presidential race.
One could make the case that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most significant American of the 20th century. He is only the third American whose birthday is commemorated as a federal holiday, a distinction not even granted Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, or FDR.

You might be dreading 2016 because it will be the last year of the first black president.
But all is not lost, fam. Chances are you’ll get your first African-American female senator in over 15 years.
With Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) retiring, history is about to make another run. The Golden State’s attorney general, Kamala Harris, a Democrat, is announcing her bid for the seat. Going in quick and early, less than a full week after Boxer’s retirement news, signals shrewd mastery of the political calendar. That potentially clears a crowded field. Potential rival Northern California golden boy Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom already pulled his name from contention and instead put first dibs on the governor’s mansion for 2018.

We are in the midst of a movement to upend white supremacy. Thousands of people across the country, acting in response to the unpunished killings of Trayvon Martin…