We look at the growing movement for drug decriminalization that is moving ahead in the United States and being amplified by former heads of state from around the around.
We look at the growing movement for drug decriminalization that is moving ahead in the United States and being amplified by former heads of state from around the around.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Thursday September 11, 2014, CMC – Former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide has been placed under house arrest as a judge continues to investigate allegations of corruption, money laundering and drugs smuggling involving the former leader and close allies.
Otto Pérez Molina, the president of Guatemala, floated an audacious idea last December.
Who are today’s standout black leaders, innovators and culture shapers? Who are the most influential African Americans 45 and under?
Ferguson will cap the amount of revenue the city makes from tickets and fines, the city announced Monday ahead of its first council meeting after the Michael Brown shooting. The city will only use fines for 15 percent of its revenue — everything else will go towards community projects.
Supporters say the measure would help combat the state’s epidemic of painkiller abuse, but polls have fluctuated wildly, and opponents are seizing on a controversial video to question their true intentions.
A coalition of political figures from around the world, including Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary general…
The news: Breathe easy, potheads of Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love is about to become the largest in the country to decriminalize marijuana.
In his wrap-up remarks, IBW’s President Dr. Ron Daniels calls on young activists and youth leaders to step up and take the lead in the next stage of the Ferguson…
The panelists at IBW’s Ferguson National Town Hall Meeting offer their recommendations and action items to deal with the crisis in Ferguson, MO.
The panelists at IBW’s Ferguson National Town Hall Meeting offer their recommendations and action items to deal with the crisis in Ferguson, MO.
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania — Movie night in Mouloud, Djibouti. Skype lessons in Ethiopia. Veterinary training assistance in Garissa, Kenya. And in this country on the east coast of Africa, work on both primary and secondary schools and a cistern to provide clean water. These are all-American good works, but who is doing them — and why?