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News & Current Affairs

How Obama’s Brother’s Keeper Initiative Could Improve the Lives of Millions of Minority Males

By News & Current Affairs

Black males are in the news. For a constituency that is a mere six percent of the population, they occupy a position that is unique in its visibility and vulnerability. On any given Sunday, like modern gladiators, they display their athletic prowess before audiences composed largely of wealthy white ticketholders at basketball and football arenas throughout the country. They are similarly ubiquitous among the talent in the music industry, supplying a steady stream of singers and producers, from Quincy Jones and Berry Gordy to Jay-Z and Pharrell Williams.

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Maryland Officially Becomes the 21st Medical Marijuana State— and Decriminalizes Possession

By News & Current Affairs

Washington, DC Mayor Vincent Gray Monday signed the marijuana decriminalization bill passed last month by the city council. It’s not quite a done deal yet, though — Congress has 60 working days to object, but to stop the bill, it must pass a resolution blocking it, and President Obama must sign it. So it appears likely that the nation’s capital will have decriminalized pot possession by the time Congress leaves town for the August recess.

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Cesar Chavez Comes to Life In Film About California’s Heroic Labor Leader

By News & Current Affairs

It’s unfortunate that the name of a civil rights leader is seen posthumously on street signs throughout America, but is rarely found in the curriculum of grade school social studies. In 2011, when President Barrack Obama proclaimed March 31 a national holiday for Cesar Chavez, the call was issued with vague urges of “appropriate service” and “community” that hardly seemed to quantify Chavez’s complex politics.

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