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Hotep dear family,

I am outraged over the beating and murder of Tyre Nichols by self hating Black officers. The consequences of White supremacy and institutional racism have created abnormal levels of vicious acts of Black self hatred in the Afrikan world community. For nearly 500 years (5 centuries), and counting; racist whites people launched open and closed violent campaigns against Black people that came in the name of slavery and segregation. Their racial wars fought to permanently make Afrikan people an oppressed people. The ideology of white supremacy created a system and culture of racism that is still in place in many of America’s institutions (i.e., education police departments, music, religions, government, and etc) today. I am not, in any kind of way, making excuses for misguided Black people that attack innocent Black people through Black to Black violence, but we have internationalized our oppressor’s barbaric racist behavior towards one another in the Black community. I am not shocked by the disgusting and repulsive acts of Black police officers. These things happened everyday to Black people on all levels of Black life in America!! We need to reread Frantz Fanon’s book, Black Skin White Mask, to get a clear analysis on the western cultural conditions that drive Black people to replace white oppression with Black oppression. But in the meantime, we must continue to organize and rally against all forms of violence in the Black community where it rears its ugly head. All violence (i.e., senseless community violence, police violence, domestic violence, education violence, etc) must stop in the Black community.

In Ma’at,

Bashir Muhammad Ptah Akinyele is a community activist and a member of ASCAC (the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations). He also a history and Africana Studies teacher at Weequachic High School in Newark, NJ and an active adherent to the Nation of Gods and Earths.

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