By Aaron Morrison, AP — The sound of the djembe drums started as a low tremble and grew more distinct as the musicians drew closer to the hundreds gathered inside…
By Aaron Morrison, AP — The sound of the djembe drums started as a low tremble and grew more distinct as the musicians drew closer to the hundreds gathered inside…
By the African American Policy Forum (AAPF) — The most important, indisputable fact for us to all acknowledge in this moment of national grief and anger is that Tyre Nichols…
Hotep dear family, I am outraged over the beating and murder of Tyre Nichols by self hating Black officers. The consequences of White supremacy and institutional racism have created abnormal…
Statement by Ronald E. Hampton, retired D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer, former Executive Director of the National Black Police Association and the Convener of the IBW21 Police Justice and Accountability Task…
Change the system not the color of the cops. A Statement from Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson on the Memphis police slaying of Tyre Nichols. “If…
Hennepin County, where George Floyd was murdered by former police officer Derek Chauvin, is set to make history by electing its first sheriff of color. By Jeroslyn Johnson, Black Enterprise…
Akron police shooting of Jayland Walker sparks protests. “I have never seen the kind of grief and the kind of pain that I’m seeing today,” the family’s lawyer told BuzzFeed…
Recorded May 13, 2022, Baltimore, MD — Town hall meeting held during the three-day symposium Beyond “Reforming” the Police: Reimagining Public Safety and Law Enforcement in America” Engaging Black police…
Activists who are working to defund the police are also part of a collective struggle to end neoliberal capitalism. By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout — The words “I can’t breathe”…
By Denise A. Herd — It’s been one year since George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer set off the largest protests in U.S. history and a national reckoning with racism….