A third grade teacher in South Carolina called into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Tuesday to thank him for his children’s book, “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims,” which she used to teach her students about slavery and the Civil War.
“Rush, thanks so much for writing these books. They’re incredible. I’m telling you, I think that there need to be teachers guides that go with the books. I think teachers need to have classroom sets of these books,” the caller, Ivy, told Limbaugh during his show.
The teacher explained that even though the third grade curriculum doesn’t cover pilgrims, she was able to incorporate the author’s note in “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims” (pictured above) to introduce the Civil War.
“And then from there, I decided, well, I’m gonna go ahead and I’m gonna read a little bit of this book ’cause I need these kids to get excited about it,” she said. “So I start reading the book, and as soon as they meet Liberty, that was it, the giggles, delights, you know, just absolutely they were thrilled with it.”
She then discovered his second book, “Rush Revere and the First Patriots,” and was able to use it to teach her students about the Revolutionary War.
Limbaugh was utterly delighted that students love his books and proceeded to read the author’s note from the first book on “American Exceptionalism.”
“American Exceptionalism and greatness means that America is special because it is different from all other countries in history. It is a land built on true freedom and individual liberty and it defends both around the world,” Limbaugh wrote. “The sad reality is that since the beginning of time, most citizens of the world have not been free. For hundreds and thousands of years, many people in other civilizations and countries were servants to their kings, leaders, and government.”
“The United States of America is unique because it is the exception to all this. Our country is the first country ever to be founded on the principle that all human beings are created as free people. The Founders of this phenomenal country believed all people were born to be free as individuals. And so, they established a government and leadership that recognized and established this for the first time ever in the world,” he concluded.
Ivy was then able to explain how she incorporated that into her lesson.
“I used that as a way to introduce the Civil War, you know, because we were about to enter a discussion on the time when slavery existed in our country, but because of what you said in the book and the way that you explained the Founders’ passion for our country, it was because of that that slavery inevitably was abolished,” she said. “So I felt like that would be a good way to get some conversation going.”
Limbaugh said this was “brilliant.”
“It happens to be true, is why it’s brilliant, and they’re old enough to understand that,” he said.