By Julianne Malveaux — Brittany Watts wasn’t seeking an abortion. At 21 weeks, she sought medical care at nearby Mercy Health-St. Joseph’s Hospital in Warren, Ohio. A doctor told Ms….
By Julianne Malveaux — Brittany Watts wasn’t seeking an abortion. At 21 weeks, she sought medical care at nearby Mercy Health-St. Joseph’s Hospital in Warren, Ohio. A doctor told Ms….
By overturning Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court has thrown the issue of abortion back to the states – and made it harder for Black and brown women to…
The plan to overturn “Roe” occurs in the context of a larger right-wing backlash that is both gendered and racialized. By Barbara Ransby, Truthout — This latest threat to end…
By Brandon Gage, AlterNet — With the United States Supreme Court poised to undo fifty years of judicial precedent by reversing its landmark 1973 Roe versus Wade ruling, which guaranteed access to…
By Julianne Malveaux — When the Supreme Court overturned Section Five of the Voting Rights Act, it struck a blow to voting rights. No longer did states with a history…
Monday, September 13, 2021 — The Professor on the Soapbox with host Dr. Ron Daniels aka “The Professor” Topics Vaccine and Mask Mandates Reflections on 9/11: Is America More Safe?…
By Carla Bell, YES! Magazine — Last year, White people constituted 60% of the U.S. population, down from about 90% in 1950. It’s projected that by 2050, they will be the new minority and people of color will be the majority—a nightmarish prediction to some White people. Sen. Lindsey Graham voiced his concern of a demographic dilution at the 2012 Republican convention, when he said, “The demographics race we’re losing badly … not generating enough angry…
The US is becoming more diverse and progressive, but white men’s grip on power is being exercised via the courts, gerrymandering and dark money in politics. By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian — The exercise of political power by legislative majorities of white, male elected officials in ways that disproportionately exclude or harm women and people of color is such a familiar part of the American political landscape that it sometimes…