By Robert Reich — On Friday, Trump posted a video featuring an image of President Biden hog-tied —with hands and feet bound together. Trump has previously posted doctored photos and…
By Robert Reich — On Friday, Trump posted a video featuring an image of President Biden hog-tied —with hands and feet bound together. Trump has previously posted doctored photos and…
A debate is roiling about the aptness of comparing Trump to European fascists. But radical Black thinkers have long argued that racial slavery created its own unique form of American…
We now “treat it like a day to celebrate King and we ignore the fact that all these other things are going on”. By Chauncey DeVega, Salon — Dr. Martin…
Concentrated wealth and power are undermining democracy. Here’s what Joe Biden ought to be saying and doing about it. By Robert Reich, Substack — Friends, Last week, I pointed out…
The U.S. stood at the forefront in the creation of de jure and de facto second-class citizenship for Black people, Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, Puerto Ricans and other people of color…
By Henry Giroux, CounterPunch — I consider the survival of National Socialism within democracy to be potentially more menacing than the survival of fascist tendencies against democracy. –Theodor Adorno 1959…
By Thom Hartmann — While it’s fashionable in some circles to compare Donald Trump and the modern-day GOP to Hitler or Mussolini and their fascist movements from the 1930s, what’s…
The Trump movement’s assault on democracy is directly descended from both the Jim Crow era and the Nuremberg laws. By Matthew Rozsa, Salon — On Nov. 3, 2020, the American…
By Richard D. Wolff — The looming election has brought forward intensifying debates over a capitalism in crisis, rising nationalism and state power, and the possibility of a renewed fascism. Polarized politics and ideologies alongside…
By Richard D. Wolff — Viewing the GOP convention seemed a little like binge-watching the last several years’ parade of none-too-subtle signs of incipient fascism. We saw extreme nationalism, scapegoating…
NYU fascism expert explains the next moves in Trump’s “authoritarian playbook” — and says it’s almost too late. By Chauncey Devega, Salon — At the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, there’s…
By Don Rojas — Today America is at a crossroads, a turning point…at an intersection of the old imperial order at home and abroad with the birthing of a new order, “a new normal” if you will. For millions of people in America, the unprecedented street uprisings of the past 10 days offer a glimmer of hope that after 350 years of oppression, meaningful change may actually be on the…