By Henry A. Giroux (Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)“Let’s hope it isn’t too late to listen, listen intently, carefully, minds open, hearts full. Let’s hope.” – James Baldwin In 1963,…
As a visit to post-uprising Baltimore confirms, high-profile police murders are only part of the problem. (photo: Robert Stolarik/NYT) By Matt Taibbi When Baltimore exploded in protests a few weeks…

By Adam Hudson, Truthout — In April, another unarmed Black person was killed by police. Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African-American male, was arrested by Baltimore police on April 12, given a…
By April V. Taylor Presidential candidate Rand Paul is determined to make criminal justice reform a key issue in the 2016 campaign, and in his most recent move, Paul slammed…
By: Charles D. Ellison Ethiopian Jews demonstrate against police violence and racism in the third of such protests May 4, 2015, in Kiryat Gat, Israel. The previous Sunday, thousands of…

By: E.R. Shipp A woman faces down a line of Baltimore police officers in riot gear during violent protests following the funeral of Freddie Gray, April 27, 2015, in Baltimore. …
By Norman Solomon Former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling with his wife after being convicted of leaking classified details to a New York Times reporter (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf) The sentencing of…
Dr. Maulana Karenga Part II. It is important to note that Dr. Nathan Hare’s intentionsand initiatives are emancipatory, i.e., focused on and pursued with the liberation of our people as the central…

The Baltimore uprising seemingly scored a major victory on Friday, when Baltimore’s chief prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, announced the six police officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death have been charged with murder, manslaughter and other counts.

by Carimah Townes Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby. The death of Freddie Gray was ruled a homicide and all six officers involved in his arrest and transport face criminal charges, including second-degree murder…
By Jennifer Bendery WASHINGTON — Marilyn Mosby walked up to a podium surrounded by TV cameras on Friday morning and dropped a bomb: At her direction, the city of Baltimore…
The image has been circulated worldwide, in newspapers, on television and over social media; the Black Baltimore mother who beats her son down for being out with protesters…