By Kelly Hayes, Transformative Spaces | Black Youth Project 100 organizer Breanna Champion leads a moment of silence as hundreds of protestors shut down 55th Street on Chicago’s South Side…
By: Danielle C. Belton The Rev. Jamal Harrison Bryant is emotionally spent. The past 11 days had taken their toll when The Root spoke with Bryant, 43, over the phone Wednesday. We asked…
By Max Blumenthal / AlterNet On Monday, the country watched as a band of outside agitators descended on the streets of Baltimore, attacked locals with blunt force, intimidated innocent bystanders,…

A global study of adolescents from low-income neighborhoods revealed that teenagers from Baltimore, a city located just 40 miles from the US capital, are faring worse than their counterparts in…

By Kevin Powell I am from the ghetto. The first 13 years of my life I grew up in the worst slums of Jersey City, New Jersey, my hometown….
A small section of Baltimore, no more than 4-6 blocks on the city’s west side, experienced looting and property destruction after the funeral of Freddie Gray, the young man whose spine was mysteriously crushed after being taken into police custody.
Rev. Dr. Willie Wilson, Pastor, Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington DC, speaks to the DC Justice Collaborative on “The Prison Labor System: 21st Century Slavery.”

On November 2, 1983, Darrell Cannon found himself in the Chicago Police Department’s Area 2 headquarters with a shotgun barrel stuck in his mouth as a white officer yelled, “Blow that nigger’s head off!”

Two Sundays ago, just after eight-thirty in the morning, four Baltimore police officers were patrolling the streets around the Gilmor Homes housing project when, as the department’s deputy chief, Jerry Rodriguez, said at a press conference yesterday, they “made eye contact” with a twenty-five-year-old man named Freddie Gray. Gray ran, and after a brief chase on foot the officers caught him.

Clearly there are hard and humbling lessons to be learned from the human and ecological disaster directly caused by British Petroleum (BP) in April 2010 in its perverse pursuit of profit…

The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) Rolls Out a Reparations Plan at the 2015 Congressional Black Caucus Conference. Preamble: No amount of material resources or monetary compensation can ever be sufficient restitution for the spiritual, mental, cultural and physical damages inflicted on Africans by centuries of the MAAFA, the holocaust of enslavement and the institution of chattel slavery…

The United States produced a bumper crop of what Billie Holiday would call “Strange Fruit,” in March: at least 111 bodies, the majority of them unarmed men of color…