By: Breanna Edwards Protesters blocking the Atlanta Downtown Connector Protesters obstructed traffic along Atlanta’s Downtown Connector—a section of Interstate Highways 75 and 85—Wednesday evening in support for Michael Brown as the…

Charlene Carruthers is national coordinator of BYP 100, which teaches black youth how to organize around issues in their community.

Ferguson protests swarm the city at Police Headquarters, City Hall, colleges, shopping malls and political fundraisers.
With all of the discussion about ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda, etc., one would think that the only terror on this planet is that derived from relatively small numbers of criminal fascists…
FERGUSON MISSOURI – Missouri authorities are drawing up contingency plans and seeking intelligence from U.S. police departments on out-of-state agitators, fearing that fresh riots could erupt if a grand jury does not indict a white officer for killing a black teen.
Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, who inherited Haiti’s presidency from his father in 1971 at age 19 and relinquished it amid protests at age 34, died Saturday in Port-au-Prince.

“Instead of lynchings, we now enjoy the spectacle of the fraternal-order-of-police executing blacks and browns as sport.”
Americans are so accustomed to speaking about civil rights as an historical era
Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson on Thursday issued a video apology to the family of Michael Brown…
The horrific death of Michael Brown on August 9th was not just an “incident,” not just an “accident,” nor just “an unfortunate situation.” The reaction from communities of color across the nation and protests against police brutality that have followed are also not, as Fox Contributor Linda Chavez has put it, attempts to “enhance” racial fears and animosity by employing the “mantra of the Black unarmed teenager shot by a white cop.”

By Terrell Jermaine Starr When an NYPD officer was caught on video kicking a man lying on the ground at a festival in Brooklyn Sunday night, it was seen as…

At 7 p.m. on Saturday night, “‘Hands up, don’t shoot!’ buttons, one dollar!” were the chants you heard outside of the 10th Street exit of the U Street…