Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win over Rep. Joe Crowley was no surprise to those who actually listened. By Joseph Neese, Salon — It quickly became the viral moment of Election Day….
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win over Rep. Joe Crowley was no surprise to those who actually listened. By Joseph Neese, Salon — It quickly became the viral moment of Election Day….
Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on his mission to the United States of America Note by the Secretariat The Secretariat has the honour to…
Zora Neale Hurston’s drive to tell the story of the slave trade’s last survivor By Emily Bernard, The New Republic — “You have seen how a man was made a slave,” Frederick Douglass wrote in his 1845 autobiography, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. “You shall see how a slave was made a man.” These words herald the moment when Douglass masters his master, the sadistic overseer and “negro-breaker,”…
In this thought-provoking documentary, scholars, activists and politicians analyze the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom. The title of Ava DuVernay’s extraordinary and galvanizing documentary 13TH refers…
The routine suppression of black voters is far-reaching and has devastating consequences. We cannot be silent about it. By Carol Anderson, The Guardian — The recent spate of whites calling 911 on African Americans for barbecuing while black, waiting in Starbucks while black, sleeping at Yale while black ad nauseum has led to a much-needed discussion about the policing of public spaces. Yet, there’s another important public space where blackness has been policed and we have…
A school in Havana is offering students who pledge to practice in underserved areas a chance to pursue medicine without incurring catastrophic debt. NOTE: If it wasn’t for the close relationship that the Late Rev Lucius Walker had with Fidel Castro, it would have been very difficult for this program to come into existence. — SEA By Anakwa Dwamena, The New York Times — In the countryside of western Havana,…
By Salih Booker and Ari Rickman, The Washington Post — Salih Booker is the executive director of the Center for International Policy. Ari Rickman is a research fellow at the Center. Beginning in 2035, the number of young people reaching working age in Africa will exceed that of the rest of the world combined, and will continue every year for the rest of the century. By 2050, one in every…
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com — Chris Hedges gave this talk Friday at the Left Forum in New York City. W.E.B. Du Bois, more than any intellectual this nation produced in the first half of the 20th century, explained America to itself. He did this not only through what he called the “color line” but by exposing the intertwining of empire, capitalism and white supremacy. He deftly fused academic disciplines. He possessed unwavering…
By Ryan Cooper, The Week — If you want to get a good measure of the intense racial segregation of Washington, D.C., just head southeast on the Green Line subway around 5 p.m. Once that train leaves the L’Enfant Plaza station, it will reflect the demographic fact that east of the Anacostia River, the city is overwhelmingly black. This sort of thing is not at all uncommon. Indeed, a recent study…
The African-American history of the federal holiday has been nearly wiped from public memory. By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet — Union General John Logan is often credited with founding Memorial Day….
The Poor People’s campaign kicked off 40 days of nonviolent protest on Monday, reviving King’s anti-poverty efforts and demanding action. By Lauren Gambino — Hundreds of low-wage workers, faith leaders, civil rights organizers and liberal activists were arrested in demonstrations in Washington and in cities across the US on Monday as they resumed the work Martin Luther King left unfinished. Fifty years after King launched the Poor People’s Campaign against economic inequality, militarism…
May 6th, 2018 – Confronting head-on America’s war economy and militarism, the necessity of non-violent moral dissent, moral resistance and moral vision is the theme of this powerful speech delivered…