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IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.

Shadow Armies: The Unseen, But Real US War in Africa

Shadow Armies: The Unseen, But Real US War in Africa

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Ramzy Baroud — There is a real – but largely concealed – war which is taking place throughout the African continent. It involves the United States, an invigorated Russia and a rising China. The outcome of the war is likely to define the future of the continent and its global outlook. It is easy to pin the blame on US President Donald Trump, his erratic agenda and impulsive statements….

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Trump’s Global Bigotry

By Editors' Choice

His “shithole” remark reveals the motive behind his immigration policies. By Jeet Heer — Meeting with leaders from both parties yesterday to craft a bipartisan immigration deal, President Donald Trump uttered words that are likely to define his presidency. When lawmakers raised the issue of protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, the president reportedly asked, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He added, “Why do we…

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President Trump

It’s not just Trump: Western media has long treated black and brown countries like ‘shitholes’

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Karen Attiah — The president of the United States essentially called black and brown countries “shitholes.” The Internet is aflame with outrage over his comments. There are already many calls to apologize, and there will be more to come. But let’s be real: U.S. media has long treated black and brown countries like “shitholes.” This TV-loving president is a product of a media culture that has systemically covered places…

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