August 23rd marks International Slavery Remembrance Day, but in the UK the day goes largely unnoticed. Yet that didn’t stop these people from holding the first-ever memorial in London’s Trafalgar…

By Conor Lynch, Salon — In response to the recent leak of 13.4 million files from two offshore service providers earlier this week, which documents how the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations avoid paying taxes on their fortunes, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., warned that the world is quickly becoming an “international oligarchy.” “The major issue of our time is the rapid movement toward international oligarchy in which a handful of…

Black women are getting the job done, but getting none of the credit. By Kali Holloway, AlterNet — It’s curious, though fairly predictable, that most postmortems of the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races seem to gloss over the fact that Democrats lost the white vote. More specifically, Democrats lost white women, the same demographic of so-called values voters whose majority support for Donald Trump proved collectively that its most cherished value…

By Nishani Frazier, Truthout — On November 7, Detroit’s Coleman Young II may join the new pantheon of elected or soon-to-be elected Black mayors. This group’s uniqueness lies not in their race per se, but in their willingness to defy the Obama-era neoliberal, post-racial orthodoxy about municipal economic development. These new Black mayors are a resurgence of the old mixed with the sophisticated new. They are Black Political Power, 2.0….

By Medea Benjamin — On Wednesday, November 8, just as President Trump was clinching new business deals with the repressive Communist government of China, the Trump administration announced its new rules rolling back President Obama’s opening with Cuba. The new regulations restricting travel and trade with the Caribbean island will make it once again illegal for Americans to travel to Cuba without a special license from the Treasury Department and…

By Nick Turse — U.S. troops are now conducting 3,500 exercises, programs, and engagements per year, an average of nearly 10 missions per day, on the African continent, according to the U.S. military’s top commander for Africa, General Thomas Waldhauser. The latest numbers, which the Pentagon confirmed to VICE News, represent a dramatic increase in U.S. military activity throughout Africa in the past decade, and the latest signal of America’s…

By Bill Mosley — By now the botched, indifferent response of the Trump administration to Hurricane Maria’s devastation in Puerto Rico has been well-documented. President Trump’s insulting tweets about Puerto Rican officials,…

In 2016, Hopkins students and community members participated in a Black Lives Matter demonstration. By Peter Ji — Associate Professor of Philosophy Chris Lebron spoke about his latest book The…

By: Earl Bousquet — Will Caricom, now leading the global quest for Reparations for Slavery and Native Genocide, achieve the task of pursuing Reparatory Justice from Europe? Fifteen Caribbean Community, Caricom, governments are being strongly advised to get ready for the long haul in their continuing quest for Reparations for Slavery and Native Genocide from Britain, France, Spain and other European Union, EU, member-states.

By: Dennis Agaba — Kwame Nkrumah (21 September 1909 – 27 April 1972) was the first prime minister and president of Ghana, having led it to independence from Britain in…

By Kimberley Hibbert — SHE has been called a new Mandela because of her passion, vision and mission to revive the ideologies and teachings of her father Kwame Nkrumah, the…

Booker Gainor, 27—Cairo, Ga.’s first black mayor—with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine (Kurtis Edwards via Twitter) By Angela Helm — In what is being termed a watershed referendum against “Trumpism”—just as…