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A demonstrator next to a fence bearing names of black people killed by police, Washington DC, June 2020.

America’s ‘Untouchables’: the Silent Power of the Caste System

By Editors' Choice

More than a century and a half before the American Revolution, a human hierarchy had evolved on the soil of the future United States. To comprehend the current upheavals one must understand the human pyramid encrypted into us all: the caste system. By Isabel Wilkerson, The Guardian — In the winter of 1959, after leading the Montgomery bus boycott that arose from the arrest of Rosa Parks and before the trials and…

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National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC)

US: Congress Should Pass Reparations Bill

By NAARC News, News & Current Affairs, Press Releases / Statements, Reparations

‘Why We Can’t Wait’ Campaign Builds on Unprecedented Support for HR 40 to Address Racial Injustice. Washington, DC, August 3, 2020 — The US Congress should address systemic racism by bringing House Resolution (HR) 40 to a full vote once it reaches the floor, more than 100 civil rights, human rights, and civil society organizations and businesses said today. The federal bill would establish a commission to investigate the legacy…

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Hank Sanders, Faya Rose

It’s a crying shame. No, it’s a damn shame.

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Sen. Hank Sanders — It’s a crying shame. No. It’s a damn shame. It’s a damn shame what the Mayor of Montgomery and its police did to two Black women leaders. More broadly speaking, it’s a damn shame what these same forces did to four African American leaders and one White leader of Jewish background. All were fighting heroically to save hundreds of lives in Alabama per year. It’s…

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