The spread of the coronavirus exposes a widening chasm in the U.S. economy between college-educated workers and less-educated workers. By Alana Semuels, Time — There are many things that worry Fina Kao…
Saturday, March 7, 2020, Brooklyn, NY — Themes: Year of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Mobilizing for State of the Black World Conference V, Embracing the Vision and Mission of IBW. Keynote Address by Dr. Ron Daniels “IBW At the Cross-Roads”. Speakers and Participants: Dr. Julius Garvey, Charles Barron, Larry Hamm, Fredrica Bey, Barbara King, Monife Bandele, Dr. Monique Swift, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Senior Minister Afiya Dawson.
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — It is a fundamental tenet of Kawaida philosophy that practice proves and makes possible everything, that is to say, practice brings it into being, makes…
By Donne Levy, AlterNet — America is a deeply divided nation. That fact may be the only thing that Americans of all racial, ethnic, and political groups can agree about. A Washington…
Harry Belafonte the Entertainer, Civil Rights activist, international Human Rights Icon turn 93 on March 1st. Still active in the struggle for freedom and justice, he celebrated his birthday with…
Economic justice was always central to Martin Luther King Jr.’s agenda. But society has moved backward on that issue since his death. By Michael K. Honey, Time — When Memphis sanitation workers went on strike in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. knew they had a lesson to teach America. “You are reminding the nation,” he told attendees at a March 1968 rally there, “that it is a crime for people to live…
In fact, Black activists and civil rights leaders have been advocating for compensation for the trauma and cost of slavery for centuries. By Mohammed Elnaiem, JSTOR Daily — In July…
Vantage Point Radio March 2, 2020 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Mayor Ras J. Baraka, Fredrica Bey, “Senator” Larry Hamm and callers. Topics: State of Newark Report and the March 7th IBW Rally to Mobilize for State of the Black World Conference V (See info) Guests: Ras J. Baraka, Mayor City of Newark, NJ Fredrica Bey, Founder, Women In…
Los Angeles, CA — Noted columnist and political analyst, and Host of the Pacifica Radio Network Hutchinson Report, Earl Ofari Hutchinson on Saturday, February 29 called Democratic Presidential Contender Bernie…
One of the key strengths of the Cuban campaign was to reframe illiteracy as a collective issue. By Catherine Murphy, Truthout — The corporate media have long been looking for ways to discredit Bernie Sanders, and they settled on a surprising statement he made in the 1980s during his tenure as mayor of Burlington when he said, “We have a lot to learn from Cuba.” Now, they have latched onto…
March 2, 2020, New York — Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW, IBW21) announced today that the organization will hold a Rally, Saturday, March 7th, 2:00 PM at the historic House of the Lord Church, 415 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY to mount a major campaign to mobilize support for State of the Black World Conference V (SOBWC V) tentatively scheduled for Newark, NJ, December 2nd – 6th
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — This is tambiko for Min. Malcolm X, an offering of words and water in reverent remembrance of his legacy-rich life, his jihad of righteous self-raising…