October 30th Pledge Drive Edition of Vantage Point Topic and Premium Mandela: Man of the People Guests Bill Fletcher, Former President, Trans Africa Forum, Washington, D.C. James Early, Consultant, Cultural…

Tami Thomas-Pinkney’s house in Port Arthur, Texas, was not damaged when Hurricane Harvey soaked the city with up to 28 inches of rain on August 29. But now, a month and a half after the storm, she is preparing to move. Across the street from her family’s home is a temporary dumpsite for storm debris, which she says is endangering her family’s health and making her home unlivable.

The last few weeks have shown that black women are being forgotten and disrespected across our culture. By Rachelle Hampton — Much has been written about Donald Trump’s campaign against a grieving black Gold Star family and the ways in which it shows the administration’s disdain for black women. The sense that the president is particularly irritated by black women who dare to…

King highlighted the link between systemic racism and unhealthy environmental conditions. By Jeremy Orr, AlterNet — As we approach the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I often reflect on the circumstances surrounding his death. He wasn’t murdered while boycotting the segregated bus system in Montgomery, during the March on Washington for economic justice, or while marching for voting rights in Selma.

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout — Most Americans’ broad ignorance regarding Africa is a long-standing phenomenon, one perpetuated from the top down. In 2008, the campaign staffers tasked to wrangle Sarah Palin were terrified people would discover she thought Africa was one big country. In 2001, President George W. Bush told a gathering in Sweden, “Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.” Vice President Joe Biden, speaking to none other than the…

By Adam Sanchez — Every day seems to bring new horrors as the U.S. president’s racist rhetoric and policies have provided an increasingly encouraging environment for attacks on Black people…

“For African Americans, it is not about standing, sitting, or kneeling for the National Anthem? it is about unarmed African Americans lying in a grave who were shot and killed…

By Dan Glazebrook — Exactly six years ago, on October 20th, 2011, Muammar Gaddafi was murdered, joining a long list of African revolutionaries martyred by the West for daring to dream of continental independence. Earlier that day, Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte had been occupied by Western-backed militias, following a month-long battle during which NATO and its ‘rebel’ allies pounded the city’s hospitals and homes with artillery…

By Pete Dolack — History does not travel in a straight line. I won’t argue against that sentence being a cliché. Yet it is still true. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t be still debating the meaning of Russia’s 1917 October Revolution on its centenary, and more than a quarter-century after its demise. Neither the Bolsheviks nor any other party played a direct role in the February revolution that toppled Tsar Nicholas II…

Organizations that claim to serve the public good are enriching Robert Mercer. By Judd Legum and Danielle Mclean, Think Progress — The connection between Breitbart, a far-right website, and the white nationalist movement was hardly a secret. Steve Bannon, who served as Executive Chairman of the publication before and after serving as Trump’s chief strategist, called Breitbart “the platform for the alt-right,” a euphemism for white nationalists and their sympathizers. These extreme…
Topic/Premium — Slave: Days of Blood, Days of Tears – Narratives of Enslaved Africans. Guest — Dr. Patrick Delices, Scholar, Journalist, Candidate for City Council, New York, NY.