The girls are still missing. Their mothers still protest in Nigeria’s capital. International assistance is flowing into the country to aid in the search.
It is exciting, and rare, to see politicians who really represent people triumph over corporate sponsored sycophants who only represent their backers’ bank accounts.
After all we’ve learned from the Edward Snowden leaks, it is impossible to be surprised by The Intercept’s report that the NSA is “secretly intercepting, recording, and archiving the audio of virtually every cell phone conversation on the island nation of the Bahamas.” But Americans ought to be upset by this revelation. It won’t do to shake our head, shrug our shoulders, and just accept what no longer has the power to shock us. This is a perfect illustration of the need for reforms that rein in the global surveillance apparatus we’ve created so that it is better aligned with American values and interests.
What are we talking about when we talk about Timothy F. Geithner’s new book? President Obama.
On the very day his friends and comrades were celebrating the birthday of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz), Elombe Brath was joining his fellow revolutionary on the other side of our struggle.
The farmer is intimately connected to the land, and in farming the land to produce food that feeds millions of people.
The standard debate about marijuana legalization has been “Should we, or shouldn’t we?” For better and for worse, the country appears to be moving toward answering that question in the affirmative.
Among urban policy-focused academics, few issues today are as distressing and contentious as gentrification.
The Board of Directors of the NAACP, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, has elected Cornell William Brooks as its new president and CEO, succeeding interim president and CEO Lorraine C Miller.
Shaun Dubis is a recovering heroin addict and a former dealer with a modest rap sheet. Just over two years ago, the 35-year-old was arrested as part of a joint investigation involving the DEA…
I was still reeling from the news that one of Detroit’s most remarkable freedom fighters, General Baker had joined the ancestors when in rapid succession like a machine gun of sorrow word came that the author Sam Greenlee had expired…