By Henia Belalia
It’s disconcerting to find so few faces in the prominent ranks of the environmental movement that reflect the realities and experiences of those bearing the brunt of climate collapse.
By Henia Belalia
It’s disconcerting to find so few faces in the prominent ranks of the environmental movement that reflect the realities and experiences of those bearing the brunt of climate collapse.
Sir Ronald Sanders BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday October 10, 2013 – For years nationals of the 15 nation Caribbean Community (CARICOM) have complained of the discrimination they’ve experienced at the border controls…
Every year, thousands of young, primarily black men are arrested for marijuana possession and for the vast majority, that act will have a tremendous impact on the course their lives take going forward.
By Thom Hartmann
America is falling apart – and this nation’s super-rich are to blame.
There was once a time in America when the super-rich needed you, and me, and working-class Americans to be successful.
By Ed Brown
August 28, 2013, marked the 50th Anniversary of the historic March on Washington. On this day in 1963 more than two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) people came to Washington, from all corners of America, to march for freedom, jobs and the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill.
New America Media, Commentary,
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
In a petition circulated online, minces no words–“NAACP: Hire the First Woman President in the NAACP’s 104 year History.”
By Barrington M. Salmon
Don Rojas didn’t know that when he accepted Maurice Bishop’s offer to become his press secretary that he’d end up being an eyewitness to a coup, and an invasion of Grenada by the U.S. military.
The New York Times, a recipient, along with the Guardian, of Snowden’s disclosures about the illegal activities of Obama and USG, is breaking out, as now, of its reticence about the nation’s profound disregard of constitutional principles AND its related policies of global hegemony at all costs—here Scott Shane’s lengthy article (3 Nov.), “No Morsel Too Miniscule for All-Consuming N.S.A.”
The Center for Church and Prison, Inc. is excited to collaborate with the Institute of the Black World 21st Century.
by Richard Wolff.
The economic aim of both major US political parties is, in the end, the same: to protect and reinforce the capitalist system.
The Republican party does so chiefly by means of a systematic, unremitting demonization of the government
The NSA scandal over phone tapping in Europe will soon blow over, conventional wisdom says. Jack Shafer has argued that, although allied leaders such as Angela Merkel are upset, they will (and have to) get over it.
David Bacon explains the essentials of immigration reform.